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Game Name : Syphon Filter
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2002-06-17 09:38:02
Views : 30851

Cheat :
Backup Agents:
Pause the game and press Up, Down, Square, Square, Triangle and Select.

All Weapons and Infinite Ammo:
Pause the game and highlight the Weapons menu. Press and hold Right + L2 + R2 + Circle + Square + X

Level Select:
Pause the game. Go into the Options menu. Highlight the Select Mission option. Press and hold Left + L1 + R1 + Select + Square + X

Easier Enemies:
Pause the game and highlight the MAP entry. Press and hold Right, R1, L2, X.

Harder Game:
At the title screen press and hold Left, L1, R2, Select, Square, Circle, and X.

Super Pistol:
Pause the game, select WEAPONS and highlight 9MM. Press and hold Left, R2, Select, L1, Square, and X.

View All Movies:
Go to the movie theater in the first level. Pause the game, highlight MAPS, then press and hold Right, L2, R1, and X.


Grenade launcher in level 1:
Go out the window in the bar into the back alley. Look up and to see two fire escapes. Climb onto the dumpster and get onto the fire escape opposite the bar first, then jump up to the pipes and go hand over hand to the other fire escape. Be careful, because two terrorists will run out to shoot half way across the pipe. After taking care of them, drop down onto the fire escape and open the box for the grenade launcher. This makes the grenade thrower in the subway section much easier to handle.

Getting through the subway:
Go to the opposite end of the subway after it explodes. Use the flashlight on the left of the tracks to find the C-4. Get the C-4, then go to the right hand side. Look up to see the upper level. Press Triangle to climb onto the red crate. Press Triangle to keep climbing up through the debris until the top is reached. This is the only way to exit the lower level.

Museum gates:
Find the card keys to get through the gates in the museum. Check all the guards and people that are killed; they usually carry card keys. For the gate in the Rocket Room, shoot the control panel on the third level that keeps sparking while your character is standing on the elevator to reach to that level. The man with the card key is up there.

Room 1-3:
To open room 1-3, you first have to open the door of the room to the left of the elevator by switching the switch to the right of the elevator. That room contains a computer. Approach the computer and press Triangle. The door to room 1-3 should begin to open. You must kill three terrorists before entering room 1-3. Each has a flak jacket and will throw grenades. Turn right to hide behind the boxes immediately upon entering the room. The terrorists cannot shoot or use grenades because of the boxes. Be careful, as there is an open space between the boxes. Use that space to throw a single gas grenade at the terrorists. Used correctly, the single grenade should kill all three of the terrorists. Wait for the gas to clear, then explore the room. Search the spaces that resemble lockers, and do not forget the flak jackets.

Survive burning:
Quickly press Start, then press Start again after catching on fire. You will be hurt, but still alive.

X-ray vision:
The virus scanner may be used to look through the walls to find enemies.

CBDC agents turn bad:
When playing the first stage of Syphon Filter, wait for a CBDC agent to be killed. Once the CBDC agent is dead, approach the corpse and shoot it in the head a few times. All the CBDC agents will turn against you. Note: You can not kill the CBDC agents without destroying the mission.

Adolph Hitler image:
Move straight ahead n the "Warehouse 76" level after getting to the first checkpoint without getting burned. You will reach a giant metal box with a catwalk over the top of it. Climb onto the box, then onto the catwalk, and run straight ahead. After reaching the end of the catwalk, hop down onto another giant metal box, kill the guard, and look to the right (or where the guard was running when he saw you). A large painting of Adolf Hitler's face can be seen.

Dead Lian Xing still speaks:
In level 10, Base Tower, you hear Lian Xing being taken away by Rhoemer over Gabe's earpiece. Then, when you defeat the helicopter that Rhoemer sends, a FMV sequence will show Gabe jumping off the tower and will reveal that Lian Xing has been killed. Once level 11, Base Escape, starts, shoot the very first fuel tank that appears. Lian Xing will say "Gabe, check your fire! If that fuel tank goes the whole place will go up."

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